The Body Image Revolution

Creating a New Sexy Reality With Elisheva Meisel

Rebecca Sigala Season 1 Episode 42

In this episode, Elisheva opens up about her journey from feeling like she was just going through the motions and not liking what she saw in the mirror to completely transforming her life and creating a positive environment for her and her kids, as she went through my virtual coaching program, The New Sexy. We chat about everything from the postpartum experience and trusting yourself to intentional self-care, body changes, breaking the cycle of tying our worth to the scale, plus so much more.

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Rebecca Sigala:

Hey loves, welcome to the body image revolution today. I'm really honored to introduce you to my amazing bad ass client, Elisheva. I honestly don't know how I get so lucky to work with the coolest people in the world. I want to give you a little bit of context. She actually went through the last round of The New Sexy, which started last January, that was about half a year ago. She lives in Texas. She's in her mid thirties. She's a wife, a mama, a business owner. And she came to The New Sexy when she was just going through all the regular motions of everyday life and doing all the things that were required out of her being a mom and a wife and a business owner. When she looked in the mirror or she went clothing shopping or she went out with her friends, she was struggling with the way that she felt about herself. She was also postpartum and going through, of course, a rollercoaster of emotions and feeling very disconnected from her body, what it wants and what it needs and just herself in general. On top of that, she was overworked. She wasn't prioritizing herself and she knew that she wanted something very different. You'll get to hear how she went from that to a completely different reality in just three months. And of course, it's a beautiful=ongoing= journey, which she also talks about in the podcast, but the shifts she made here are so significant that she totally elevated the way she saw herself. She also started prioritizing herself. She felt sexy without having to change anything about her body, which is something that she never imagined being able to do before. And now she's actively stopping the cycle of negative body image for her kids and giving them a deeper sense of self worth and a body positive environment in their home. It's fucking incredible. You guys, I hope you enjoy listening to her journey. It's literally why I do what I do. Thank you so much for coming here today. I'm really excited to just Talk with you. We haven't talked in a little bit, so that's going to be so much fun. I always just like love being in your presence. You have such good energy and I want everyone to get a little bit of an insight today on what your experience was like going through The New Sexy. You went through the January/February round. And, I'm really excited for them to get to know you a little bit. And hear what your transformation was like. So this is Elisheva, everyone. can you tell us a little bit about basic bits about yourself? Where are you from? What do you do? How many kids do you have? That kind of thing.

Elisheva Meisel:

Okay. So my name is Elisheva. I am a mom to three kids. I live in Houston, Texas, and my husband and I run a, construction company and a real estate company, which keeps us very busy. that's about it.

Rebecca Sigala:

Amazing. Amazing. Great. so we've known each other for a long time, which I think is pretty cool. And I just remember, way back in the day, like in Tzfat. So when you reached out to me, I was so excited. to have the potential to work with you, to talk with you. And I would love for people to hear a little bit about what that process was like for you before you decided to sign up for The New Sexy. Like, where were you at in your life, emotionally, physically, all of that, can you paint a little bit of a picture for us?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. So I always see your posts. And I'm a huge follower. I love the work that you do. And I was always like a little bit intimidated to reach out because I don't think that my mindset was ready for the work that you do.

Rebecca Sigala:

What do you mean by not being ready? Cause I'm sure a lot of women can relate to that.

Elisheva Meisel:

Sure. I think that change comes from within. And as much as I wanted to change, I don't think that I was in the place to say, okay, let's do it. I'm ready for change. I was kind of going through the motions and trying to figure out where I was. And only when I saw your post about The New Sexy that had a few spots left and it was starting in a couple of days and I read a little bit about it and I was just like, I have to do it now. I'm ready for a change. but before that. I would see your post, like, I would love to do a boudoir session. I don't think I was ready. I don't know if I'm ready yet, but it'll happen. but when I saw this course, I knew that it was right for me. And that's when I reached out.

Rebecca Sigala:

what were the struggles that you were experiencing at the time?

Elisheva Meisel:

So, I was postpartum with my third, I was going through some postpartum depression as well. And I think this was the most difficult out of all three of my kids. And I was working, around the clock, it was just very difficult. and then going right back into work, all those body changes after giving birth, I just found myself crying a lot, not recognizing who I was in the mirror. And it was a really bad feeling. I got to a certain point that I was like, either I'm going to sit at home in my bed and cry uncontrollably for days, or I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself and make a change.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. Well, it's really interesting because. I feel like, first of all, I'm so sorry that you were going through that. Like, I really, when you described it, I was with you in that feeling because I've been there before. And also, I remember you describing it to me for the 1st time. you said, like, if you didn't do this, you were going to be in bed, but like the thing was, you weren't like, you were like super mom, staying at work late, just kind of like being on the autopilot, hamster wheel of life and experiencing those struggles. So I feel like it didn't necessarily stop you from living life, but how did it affect all of those? Like, everyday life things that you had to go through and that you were pushing yourself through.

Elisheva Meisel:

you know how sometimes you can't see your own accomplishments? Yeah. Yes. Yes. So, and, and sometimes like, I'm sure even your husband will tell you sometimes and you're still like, no, no, like, yeah, not good enough. Right.

Rebecca Sigala:

Especially your husband. You're like, I don't believe you. Like you're biased, you know?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah, exactly. so maybe to the outside world, it seemed like I was still doing everything I was putting on makeup and getting dressed and heels and going to work But for me on the inside, I was like barely making it. I just felt like this gray cloud in my mind and over me at all times of the day. And it was really difficult. it's hard to see everything you're doing when you're living on autopilot. Like you're just trying to survive. So for me, I wasn't living life well.

Rebecca Sigala:


Elisheva Meisel:

And from

Rebecca Sigala:

the outside, no one would have really seen that as like, you're a boss bitch, running your business, having your three kids, looking amazing, dressing well, it's not, you know, I think that's what people think of when they think of struggling with your body image. They think I'm in bed and I'm not doing anything well, actually most women, they have this internal battle. It doesn't seem to affect the way that they do things. but it does because it affects the way that you show up.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. I think it's a huge stigma, especially in like specific neighborhoods of like the fact that women are supposed to go back to work before they can even have sex after having a baby is crazy. That's insane. It's just, it's crazy. And the fact that we're just supposed to bounce back and just handle it. It's not just

Rebecca Sigala:

our bodies, but it's like everything bounce back. Just like push forward, get through this.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. You still have dinners to make and you still have laundry to do and you still have work and you still have bills. Like nothing stops. you're just supposed to be like, okay, cool. Like I just went through nine months of trauma, let's do this.

Rebecca Sigala:

And then you're supposed to be like thin and happy and beautiful as you do it. That's what society is. That's really fucked up. yeah. do you remember initially what you were hoping to gain from it? Yeah, I was hoping to feel sexy

Elisheva Meisel:

again. That's it. Simple. I was just hoping to feel sexy again, to meet some other women who are going through similar struggles that I can relate to and share my struggles and my wins with, have like a safe support group and just feel sexy.

Rebecca Sigala:

That's amazing. Yeah, I also remember there was like a feeling of like, On one hand, kind of wanting to feel like yourself again, but on the other hand, kind of wanting to create yourself. Like it wasn't like, Oh, I just want to go back. It's like, I want to design this life that really feels good and fulfilling for me.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah, I think, around maybe like eight years ago, if you would have asked me, I would have been like, Oh, I want to go back to, to how I looked then. And I want to go back to who I was then. But if you really stop and see everything that you've been through for the past couple of years, like I can say for the past decade that I've been working in this industry, like I'm a completely different person. I wouldn't want to go back to the person that I was. I want to recreate myself with everything and all the knowledge that I know now.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah, totally. Yeah. I definitely do not want to go back to my early twenties or my definitely not teenage. Like, no, no way. I totally get that. what were you, what were your fears initially? Like when we first spoke, I think it was really cool because it really was last minute, a couple of days before we started. And you're like, all right, let's go. I'm going to just do this. But I guess for those, you know, couple hours, what were the fears that you were having?

Elisheva Meisel:

I think I was a little bit nervous of investing in something that I wasn't sure if I would stick with and it's not it wasn't necessarily the money that bothered me. It was like. The personal investment, like, am I going to make this personal investment in myself, or am I just going to lie to myself again and say, yes, I'm going to do this and we're going to feel better and, you know, all that crap.

Rebecca Sigala:

Right. Like that it would just be Another thing that you paid for but you didn't immerse yourself in or that like the fear was that you wouldn't do the work.

Elisheva Meisel:

I have a fear was that The New Sexy was just gonna be another email in my inbox

Rebecca Sigala:

I know that feeling Yeah, that

Elisheva Meisel:

that was the fear it was like I'm making this investment And for me, I know you guys met like in Israel, it was like 8 p. m. Here it was during the day. Right, on a

Rebecca Sigala:

Sunday, which is like a big deal for you.

Elisheva Meisel:

So Sundays are like my day with my kids. So it was making that investment. Okay, I have to be organized. I have to make my kids understand that this is for me. Whether I find a babysitter or not. Like, this is time that I have to take out of, you know, my schedule. So,

Rebecca Sigala:


Elisheva Meisel:

but we did it.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah, we did do it. Oh my gosh. Wow. That is totally legitimate. Like I can totally imagine having those same fears. When did those fears start to dissipate? Like, was it when you made the decision or was it when you started or when you started seeing like changes in yourself?

Elisheva Meisel:

When I made the decision to move forward, I felt excited, but the actual fear I think relaxed after that first meeting. And like, my kids were quiet in the background and we was able to meet with you guys and I saw the other women that were in the group and, and I think at the end of the day, like everybody's kind of in that same place and the other women, I mean, most of you guys were like single momming it at the time. I don't know. Oh right, with miluim Yeah, so that was, for me, when I saw that, I was like, alright, I got nothing to apologize for, like, nothing, nothing to

Rebecca Sigala:

be, no

Elisheva Meisel:

excuses, yeah,

Rebecca Sigala:

yeah. Wow, wow. A lot of times I tell people that, you know, it's not helpful to make that comparison, like, everyone has their own struggles, everyone has a thing that they're going through, and then at the same time, sometimes it's nice to just have like a little kick in the tush, like, alright, these women are doing it, I'm on board too, and, if you do it with kindness and love, like, the best.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. And it was definitely not good to make that comparison and after a few meetings in, when we were talking about all the different things in the course, I understood that that was not it, but still like living in Israel for the nine years that I did and understanding everything that was going on for me, it was amazing that everybody continued to show up.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. Yeah, it really was. but also really amazing that you continue to show up, you know, yes, yes, yes. Amazing that I showed up as well. Yes. Let's like give ourselves credit here. was there something that surprised you as you started to go through the course?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. You had mentioned how you said you're not going to believe how easy it is. I did not believe you. But it's, it's very easy. Even from that first self awareness and intuition module, just like the drinking the water and the 15 minutes of movement. It's this kindness that you're giving to yourself that I was giving to myself that I hadn't had in a very long time. And just that. Time of self awareness with, Hey, I'm doing this for myself, made a huge difference. It made a huge impact in my day to day.

Rebecca Sigala:

Right. So, so it's like even those like little things that you just were offered a framework for and like held Accountable for made a big difference right away. And so when you say that it was easy, can you describe what was easy about it? Was it the fact that small changes made a shift in your mindset? Like what was that shift?

Elisheva Meisel:

It's funny. I don't think that they were small changes because the work that we put in the work that I put in was real. It was real. It was raw. It was genuine. right. But when I say easy. I think it was just these small little shifts. Right. That I was able to do in my day to day. Just add in. It wasn't like, okay, stop and food prep. Like no, I don't, I don't freaking have time for that. It was like, Hey, just drink some water and just move for 15 minutes. And I was like, Oh, like what's going on? I could, I could think a little bit clearer. I could sleep a little bit better. It was just these small changes, that was my perspective on, on it.

Rebecca Sigala:

That's so, that's so beautiful. And then I feel like it just opens this dialogue with yourself. I think that's a huge thing where we're not in touch with our bodies or what we need or what we want. And then we're starting to ask ourselves, okay, what do I need right now? Okay. I need water. I need this. I need that. it's just something that we forget about doing or we were never taught to do.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. I, I remember you said something in the course, uh, you had said something about like, what does my body need? Ask yourself what your body needs. Do you need to go to the bathroom? Do you need to sit on the couch? Whatever it is. I remember that when I first started my business, this is going to sound so fucked up. When I first started my business, It would be like, Whoa, I didn't go to the bathroom for seven hours because I've been sitting at my computer. Oh my gosh. It was like an accomplishment. Yeah. Yeah.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh my God. Oh my God.

Elisheva Meisel:

And so now I'm like if someone asked me to do something or someone needs something from me, if I have to go to the bathroom, I'm like, okay guys, hold on one second. Just I'll, I'll be back in like 30 seconds. Just let me pee and I'll be right back. Right. I think people

Rebecca Sigala:

think that loving kindness to your body is like standing in front of a mirror and saying affirmations all day long, but literally it could just be going to the bathroom when you need to go to the bathroom. Like that is the most loving thing you could do.

Elisheva Meisel:

It's insane. I like turned off some of my cues. So now I really like, I have to think about it. I'm still working on it, like trying to like retrain my brain. Okay. I have to go to the bathroom. Okay, hold on. Let's go to the bathroom and then we can come back. But it was really these small shifts. and then I was creating more space in my brain, because I was a little bit calmer and because I could sleep better because I didn't have all of the same, mental block that I had, I was able to ask myself, okay, do we have time to like put on cream after the shower? Can you create another three minutes? Awesome. I could do that. I could spare three minutes. Do I have time to light a candle before the shower? Yeah. Let's go grab a match. So little things that I was able to add throughout my day that. Opened up a world of difference. I was giving myself self care.

Rebecca Sigala:

And like when you said the candle, it's like, Ooh, sexiness, bringing in that romance to yourself in your own life so that you can actually have that feeling of being sexy and bring that into mundane things.

Elisheva Meisel:

exactly, I was reading something and it said like, start a love affair with yourself. but it was so beautiful and it makes me really think about it. Cause everyone thinks like a love affair, like scandalous and you know, like, yeah. Start a love affair with yourself. Yeah. It's, it's so true. Love the person that you are, love the things that you do, bring in some romance, put on some sexy music, do something good for yourself. Totally.

Rebecca Sigala:

Just today I was like buying gifts for my clients at this lingerie store and I was like, Ooh, this feels so soft and so nice. And It's a business expense. I'm going to buy these for my clients and then leave. And then I was like, why am I not giving it? Why am I giving this to myself? you know, to just to enjoy and to feel sexy. Like, no, I don't need a, you know, sexy pair of pajamas, but That is the kind of life I want to have. That is the kind of person that I want to embody, that I am, present in my body and enjoying life, and it's hard because we have, all the messages from, our childhood and, trauma we've experienced, and It's I think it's an ongoing practice

Elisheva Meisel:

a thousand percent. It's an ongoing practice. It's not something that you can fix and be like, okay, great. I flipped the switch. I'm good. I'm

Rebecca Sigala:

fixed. I'm healed. Oh, my God. No way. Yeah. what are some of your favorite, either wins or significant shifts that you made in the program?

Elisheva Meisel:

Oh, this was huge for me. I was walking, I think I was walking to get my birth certificate for my daughter. and I looked at like, there was a huge glass walls. It was like a big building and I saw my reflection in the mirror and I was like, damn, I love my sexy legs.

Rebecca Sigala:

I remember that so fucking amazing. That was huge for me. It seems like such a simple thing, and it's so not. It's like, huge.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. Wow. That was, that was really huge for me. that was really changing that I was able to see that. Not even just to like, think it, but to say it out loud.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. Wow. So cool. What is your experience like now, when you walk past a mirror?

Elisheva Meisel:

Like we said, it's, you know, it's an ongoing process. Yeah. I definitely have my wins. I think that the course also helped me in other ways. So when I'm getting dressed, I'm getting dressed to feel good. So I'm not just, I like, I told you, I wake up like 515, 530. I spend a few minutes with myself, like quiet in my house before the chaos starts.

Rebecca Sigala:

I'm so honored that I get to be a part of this time.

Elisheva Meisel:

Not many people I'd let in. I know. but I get this time for myself and so I can put on makeup. I can listen to music if I want to go watch a show, whatever it is. That I feel like I want to do for myself, but

Rebecca Sigala:

you were not doing that. I remember talking to you in the beginning. That was not something that you felt comfortable giving to yourself because you just felt like you had so much to do, which I really relate to as a business owner as well, it's like an hour for me. That looks like. That's, that's huge.

Elisheva Meisel:

It's unheard of and some days I'm more tired than others, but I think that, um, work's going to be there tomorrow.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. I remember something, significant, with your kids or with your daughter specifically, did you have something significant that happened there in terms of either talking to your kids about bodies or, passing on this kind of mindset to them?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. During the course, it's interesting because I, I feel that life is just one huge circle. I think that when you're going through something or you're learning something, you're expanding your mind to something, your circle around you, everybody feels it. Yeah. So, at the time my daughter, um, five years old, she came home from like a tumbling class and she told me that one of the girls called her fat and I like, I literally pressed on the brakes. Yeah. I looked at her.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh, like actual breaks in the car. Oh my God. I

Elisheva Meisel:

stepped on the brakes in the car and I looked at her and I was like, what? I was not ready for that. I was like, I thought I had a few more years before that, you know, we started that crap. Yeah. And she goes, yeah, someone called me fat. So my mind was like going through a million things. And at the same time I wanted to get out of the car, go back to that tumbling class and like strangle that little girl. And I like, yeah. I feel you. I feel you. I stopped and I looked at her and I said, Do you know what fat is? And she goes, Well, yeah, it's, it's like being fat. So I said, okay, well, why don't you tell me what she said? So she said, well, she told me I was too fat for acro. That's the name of the class I did, too fat for acro. so I asked her, I said, do you think that? And she goes, no. And I said, okay. And at the time I didn't really know how to react. And this girl had been like bullying her a little bit and it happened again. So the next time it happened, I prepared myself a little bit more. Yeah. During the program. This is during

Rebecca Sigala:

the program.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. So I think I told her, okay, like, let's take a deep breath. I told her that Hashem loves us for who we

Rebecca Sigala:

are. Making all of our bodies so different and unique. And that's what makes us beautiful.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. Sorry. I can't remember that, but it was something like that. Like we work on like telling her, like, Hashem makes everybody's body different. Hashem loves you. He creates you the way that he wants to, you know, and it's okay that everybody's body looks different. Yeah. and we can love our bodies. We work on a lot of like, self positive body image in the house and we can love our bodies no matter what we look like I asked her She left her body and she said yes, and then we did some breathing We did like some breathing techniques of just like breathing in and out and like accepting and that was it. And since then, instead of being upset at that little girl, I actually called her mom and I spoke to her and her mom was so thankful that I called, um, and told me that, you know, they work on body positivity at home also. I told her, I said, you know, like, and I explained to her the course that I was, that I was doing. And we got the girls together for like a few, intimate play dates, just them two. And they've been really good friends since.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh my God. That is amazing. I remember when you first told me the process that you went through and I was so in awe, because I feel like that is a lot of the work that we do is first of all, changing the way that we see even the word fat or like what it means when someone says that, really understanding the deeper parts of it versus just reacting to our own triggers because for me that happened when I was five years old. So, like, I'm right with your daughter. Like, I totally feel it. and so I was just really so in awe, and I thought to myself, wow. What if, I had a mom that did that for me when I was five? that's amazing. And then, not only did you do that, but you, took it a step further. And you completed, the healing, you talked to the mom, and not saying that would have always been the outcome, you can't control the outcome, but, the fact that you opened up a space for there to be even more healing, not just with her, but, with another girl, That just makes a world of difference. There's so much, strength that I feel like she's going to take from that for years to come.

Elisheva Meisel:

There's also one more thing that I've been doing, and I'm going to admit this. Yes, I love this. I love this. It's going to sound a little bit. Tell me everything. So, before the course, the sizes that I was buying her was like for her size. It was like for her age. Yeah. It was like six X. She's six. I'm going to get a six. Yeah. And I noticed, like, she said to me, mommy, all my shirts are short on me. So I said, okay, I have to stop being scared. So I bought her. I don't sound so fucked up, like scared to buy like a different size, but I started buying her a larger size. I started buying her like seven, eight and she's so much more comfortable and she's so happy in her clothes. And I'm like, great. I'm like, awesome. why, why was I holding out? why do we do this? And I did the same thing for myself, by the way. After the course, I bought clothes in, in a larger size and I was like, fuck it, I'm not gonna be scared anymore. I'm gonna buy clothes to feel good in clothes.

Rebecca Sigala:

And I did. I literally have the chills all over my body. That is just the most incredible thing ever. I feel like a lot of people will say like, I want to lose weight. I want to change my body so I can feel good in clothing. And I'm like, why can't you right now? You know, it's like we have this block and it's not easy to just switch it one day. But you did the inner work, you went through this course and shifted your mindset and you were able to literally. Give yourself the permission to feel good now and be comfortable in your clothing I feel like we do the opposite. It's like a punishment to ourselves. Do you relate to that

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah, it's a punishment. Like I'm buying clothes that are too small that aren't gonna fit me anyways. why for what? Right. So if I need to buy a bigger size or go to like the plus size like who gives a shit? it's just a number. It's just cloth that's all it is Yes.

Rebecca Sigala:

Amen. Oh my God. That's incredible. Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm so glad that we have this conversation, just for like you and for me to like, you know, get to celebrate with you.

Elisheva Meisel:

You know, I think consciously I've been like doing these things, but I don't think I've like stopped to actually. say it out loud and understand it. So for me, this conversation is really cool because now I'm like, Oh, like I did.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah, I did.

Elisheva Meisel:

That was great.

Rebecca Sigala:

Going back to what you said in the beginning, like giving ourselves that credit and acknowledgement. It's, it's huge. Yeah. can you speak a little bit to people's fears about being in a group of women? What was that like for you?

Elisheva Meisel:

so I think that Zoom takes away some of maybe like the anticipation of being in a group of women because you're not sitting in a, in a group, you're not like face to face with like, it's not like quite, it's

Rebecca Sigala:

not quite as scary.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. It's, it's really not scary. And I think everybody goes at their own pace. Like at the beginning, I think there were a few women that kept their videos off, and only participated when they wanted to and towards the end they were, you know, they felt a lot more comfortable. but I think the important thing to know is that everybody goes at their own pace and that's accepted.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. Yeah. That's like a very, compassionate concept to have for the group and for ourselves in general, in life, not just in the course. Do you feel that having other women in the course benefited you, like helped you progress more on your journey?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yes, um, I do. I think that hearing other people's stories sometimes put things in perspective. Yeah. And there's a certain, I want to put this in the right words. I think there's a certain acceptance that everybody's going through a hard time right now. Yeah. And what you have to share, it's like, arms are open. Everybody's listening.

Rebecca Sigala:

so when we first started this conversation, you mentioned that you were on autopilot and you painted the picture of what your day was kind of like. You were doing all the things, but internally you were struggling and you did not feel like yourself or going in the direction that you wanted to go in. How did your day to day change?

Elisheva Meisel:

Okay, so I'm always drinking water, which I wasn't always doing. Yeah, there's still certain aspects of me that live on autopilot, but a huge difference is I'm able to differentiate. So I'm able to make that decision on Friday afternoon when I come home before Shabbat. My work is done, and I'm present. I'm present with my kids. I'm present with my family, I'm present with my house, and nothing else matters.

Rebecca Sigala:

as a business owner, I just know what a big deal that is. Because it's so hard to turn your brain off for something that you're responsible for and you could be thinking about it 24/7. I I

Elisheva Meisel:

could 100%. But I'm at a point where, first of all, let's go backwards for a second. If The notebook and that whole amazing gift set that you sent out with the course, I got it after the course.

Rebecca Sigala:

Right. Because for me, the postal office or whatever. Yeah,

Elisheva Meisel:

for me, I think, yeah, no, I had nothing to do. But for me, I think that that was amazing because I finished the course and all of a sudden I got this box of like amazing things to celebrate myself with. And it was like, everything happens for a reason. And since then, actually I had the notebook, everything before that I was doing, like through notes and on my computer and I had the notebook. So I actually started going through the notebook and like kind of redoing the course.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh my gosh. That's so amazing.

Elisheva Meisel:

That's what it's for and actually last night I signed in to the course and I watched the video of like the self awareness and intuition and I like, you know, yeah. And it's so nice to know that like, it's been sitting on my desk. Like sometimes it sits on my desk for like a couple of weeks, but then I can just open it and like to a random page and like do some writing and like some journaling and I'm like, Oh, okay. Wow. So you really

Rebecca Sigala:

like, you have a toolbox in your mind that you've created, but you also have a toolbox and something that you can actually go to when either you're struggling or you just want to do some more inner work. that's really, that's really special. It's really valuable.

Elisheva Meisel:

It's, it's very valuable. It's amazing. Like the whole, like you can tell that everything that you put into it has been built up and thoughts and changes. it's not just something that you just put together and like, yalla let's do it. So, so true. you can, you can tell. so my mindset has shifted. And when I catch myself, in these circles of like, almost depression and not being able to see myself. I'm able to catch the signal, not always right away, but I'm able to catch it and slow down for a second and practice something that we've learned.

Rebecca Sigala:

That's incredible. It's like just returning back to yourself over and over again. And that's really the practice. And when we have those tools, it's just not as hard as we once thought it was. and I love that. did you love the candle by the way? I'm like obsessed with those. I loved it. I loved

Elisheva Meisel:

everything about that box. I have the the lavender like rollie at work on my desk. Yeah, the soaps are amazing. Like everything about that box is just so thoughtful and amazing. And I really like

Rebecca Sigala:

was thinking about okay like how can we excite all of our five senses, you know, and we have, a worksheet, in the course where we go through the five senses, like, how do we make an environment for feeling good about ourselves and feeling good about our bodies? and so that's something that I had in mind, you know, the taste and the smell and the touch and like, all of that is so, so important. I love that not only with the box, but just seems like in general, you're incorporating more of that, like just enjoyment in your life. It's

Elisheva Meisel:

amazing. Like it really is. And I think there was one other thing that I really enjoyed about the course. One of my favorite projects was the board that we created.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh, yeah, I remember that. I remember you showing it to us. why was it your favorite and can you explain to people what it was first?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. so it was like a future self board. Yeah. so I think some people would think like, Oh, a couple of pictures. Okay, great. I'm done. But I put a lot of thought into it and, I created an entire vision board. That really is the person that I want to see myself as. So it had clothes and it had sexy pictures and it had bad ass, like boss, bitch quotes. There was a picture of a challah and a Shabbat table and like a lion with a Jewish star. And

Rebecca Sigala:

that's so funny. Challah was on my vision board too.

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah. We're so Jewish. I love it. Jewish moms. what else did I have? Pictures of my kids. and it was just, it was this board of like, Okay, I can do this, even if my body doesn't look the way the pictures do, I can still wear those same type of clothes. I can still feel the same way. I can still feel good about myself. and I go back to that. You did not

Rebecca Sigala:

believe that at the beginning of the course.

Elisheva Meisel:

No. You did not believe

Rebecca Sigala:


Elisheva Meisel:

No, no. and I think that's something that I took away from the course also is like, a person can change their body if they want to lose weight. Great. It can lose weight, but I'm not losing weight to feel good about myself. I'm going to feel good about myself. And if I still want to lose weight, great. It's separate. It's completely separate. it has nothing to do with feeling good in my mind.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah. Or about who you are as a person or your worth. Yes. okay. Last thing. Someone's like on the fence about doing this. What would you tell them?

Elisheva Meisel:

I would tell them to wake up, bitch. No, I'm just joking.

Rebecca Sigala:

That's so nice. Wake up. I would say,

Elisheva Meisel:

The course is worth it. The course is definitely worth it. If you're ready for a change, you have to like, you said this to me also, like, you have to be ready to put some feelings aside. and if you're ready to put those feelings aside, do it. What was the feeling that you put aside? Um, that I had to magically lose 100 pounds.

Rebecca Sigala:

Uh, like, yeah, and self doubt, I feel like too, like, am I going to actually do this?

Elisheva Meisel:

Self doubt for sure. Yeah. I definitely had self doubt. But speaking to you, you have this certain, calm to you, like when I talk to you, I get this like wave of like, relief, like, like I can, I feel like I can, I can breathe. I can like be who I am. I can, I can let my guard down. And that's what I think that you, you bring so much to the course, but something amazing that you bring is, is your attitude and how, how you look at life and how you appreciate every single part of everyone. Like you don't take anything for granted about anyone.

Rebecca Sigala:

I wasn't prepared for that. Thank you so much Elisheva.

Elisheva Meisel:

it's really important

Rebecca Sigala:

and I'm going to work on receiving it. Thank you.

Elisheva Meisel:

what you Rebecca bring to the course is something that. Other women don't offer. Because you not only straighten crowns on all these amazing woman's head, you bring the fucking crowns and you place it on their head. And that's what you do for the course. And it's. Incredible. So I want to say to every woman, like it's a thousand percent worth it. I would do it again. I want to like add to

Rebecca Sigala:

that, like you're worth it. Like the course is worth it, but because you're worth it. Does that make sense? And I feel like it's, it's not like we walk around thinking I'm not deserving or I'm not worthy. It's like under our consciousness, That, that is kind of like the feeling that we have, that we don't give ourselves, permission to feel good, to feel sexy, to feel joy. And yeah, I just think like, it's not necessarily helpful to be like, you're worth it. Like to tell yourself those affirmations, but I think that's kind of what you realize through the course. if I'm not getting you wrong, like what you're trying to say, like you get to see your worth and now you are prioritizing yourself. Does that resonate?

Elisheva Meisel:

Yeah, a thousand percent. I want to tell other women to take that jump and understand. Yes, exactly. That they're worth it. That it's okay to invest in yourself. It's healthy to invest in yourself. It'll make your family happier. It'll make you happier. It'll make the world around you seem a little bit more sunny, like for the first time in a long time.

Rebecca Sigala:


Elisheva Meisel:

Don't, don't hesitate.

Rebecca Sigala:

Right. oh my God, first of all, thank you for sharing all of that. That just like makes me so happy. And I so agree with you because you're telling me like, oh, that I see the beauty in everyone. And I put the crown on their head and it's like, I was only able to do that because of the work that I did within myself. And the fact that I was able to recognize my own worth and my own beauty inner and outer beauty. And if I didn't do that, then, I really wouldn't be able to provide the space that I do. And then I also, have this advantage now of, like, Walking around the world and being like, Oh my God, everyone's so beautiful. Like every, like everything is, everything is so good. people think like, Oh, I'm supposed to change the way I think about bodies for other people so that they feel good. But it's for us because we get to walk around the world and just feel like everything, like you said, is a little bit brighter.

Elisheva Meisel:

It's really nice to live life. And be a little bit happier during the day, like,

Rebecca Sigala:


Elisheva Meisel:

we don't have to punish ourselves.

Rebecca Sigala:

Yeah, it doesn't. And I think that you were really real to share that there's, you know, still challenges. There's still ebbs and flows. I'm not into any of that toxic positivity. you know, I wouldn't even like describe myself as like, You know, a positive person, yeah, it's something that it's a practice that we have to, implement. And I think that I just love the message that you gave today. That, you know, there's so many, so many beautiful gems in here. And I know that so many women are going to relate to it and I'm so grateful for you and I'm grateful we had this conversation and I got to hear even more about. What it was like for you to go through it and where you are now.

Elisheva Meisel:

I'm so honored that you asked me to be part of it. Like being part of this journey and sharing it with you was amazing. And one more thing I just want to add really quick is that like, I sit with a lot of girlfriends and I hear their crap and they hear my crap and we complain about life. But you, when you hear our struggles in the group, I saw you tearing up. You would sit there and you would internalize it and feel other people's struggles and that's not something that you get from like a friend. So that, that was huge. Um, but I'm so grateful that I got to be part of this journey with you and with the other women in the group. Like it was an amazing group of women. Everyone had so much to bring. and it was during a crazy time. Crazy fucking time. Yeah.

Rebecca Sigala:

Like literally so crazy. I, I, every time we came to the calls, I was like, Oh my God, I can't believe we're all here. We really showed up for ourselves and even just that in itself is everything.

Elisheva Meisel:

Thank you I'm super grateful. Me too.

Rebecca Sigala:

Oh, how good was that conversation? If you're still here, then I'm guessing that's for a really good reason. And maybe you're interested in elevating the way you see yourself so that you can show up with more confidence in your life. Like most of my clients, I'm guessing that most people already see you as pretty confident. and like Elisheva before the program, it's something that you've gotten super used to dealing with internally, like it's the norm. And at the same time, it's not the norm we want to pass on. And even more than that, really, you guys, even more than that, it's not the life that we want to lead for ourselves. We want to enjoy our bodies and the pleasures that our bodies allow us to experience in this life. if you look in the show notes, you'll see a link to book a free discovery call with me. Once you book that call, I'll send you a form to fill out as part of the application process. And then on the call, we'll explore everything together and see if we are the best fit. Do not wait until later. There's literally not another minute you need to spend struggling with these things alone. Plus, if you do start the process before July 15th, you'll receive 500 towards your investment. Yalla guys, let's do this. Hope you have a wonderful day and week and I will speak to you soon.